Curva Back Dining Chair

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The curved-back is stunning, following a popular lifetime design of Wishbone chair by Hans Wegner. This simple and perfection of retro vintage style will make your home stunning with this fabulous Curva Back Dining Chair. A chair made of solid teak wood, with comfortable cushion seat. Best hand made construction method with beautiful natural teak color finished by our experienced furniture craftsman in Jepara, Central Java – Indonesia.

Product Description
Code Price Name Size Material Finishing
JG-RET-C-089 USD.52 Curva Back Chair 58x45x76 Teak wood Neutral wood

Measurement, material and finishing color can be made upon request according to your need. Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to fulfill your need.

We design, manufacture and supply quality furniture at affordable price directly from our factory. We care about every detail and always use the best materials to supply our customer's furniture need at finest standard.